
What is Cook Your Pantry Out?

Food waste is involved in everyone’s lives-from how our food is brought to our grocery stores to that peach you promised yourself you would eat in time, but it ended up needing to be thrown away. At Cook Your Pantry Out, we focus on living less wastefully on this Earth by being more conscious about what we have. It’s so easy to just throw away and go buy new, but that wastes more than money and food. The food, which took months to grow, water to thrive, energy to be transported, and the hard work of others to get to your table. However, cooking with what you have is hard-and we know that, we’ve all been there! So, we hope our website stops you from feeling like you have nothing to pull together a meal with and helps you realize that there is so much that can be appreciated and savored.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash.